Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Television at the College Level

You know what is kinda funny (but not really but yes)?  So here I am, in kawledge, supposed to be getting some higher education and blazing a trail in life or something, and, somehow, I'm watching so much trash TV.  More so than ever before.  WHAT'S UP WITH THAT*?

Well, I don't personally watch TV.  I don't have a TV in my quad, and for some reason I can't sit down and watch episode after episode on Hulu or something (although the link I provided is on Hulu... lame).  The only DVDs I brought are seasons 3 and 4 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which you cannot even possibly begin to argue is trashy TV.

So you know what it is?  It's the TV in Hewitt Dining Hall.

In the mornings, it's Rachael Ray.  As my sister knows, my hatred for cooking shows literally knows no bounds.  So that's not cool.  Did I mention Rachael Ray might be cray-cray?  In conclusion, she's a crazy person running a cooking show.  Meaning she's automatically my arch-nemesis.

(My arch-nemesis in her super trendy Downtown Manhattan faux loft kitchen with the vintage blue fridge.)

The afternoons are a little more exciting.  In the afternoons, it's soap operas.  Super dramatic ones, too.  I think the one episode I sat through during a lunch period involved a father dating his daughter's best friend, who's grandmother was hooking up with the girl's boyfriend, who was an abusive alcoholic.  Or something like that.  I actually just made that up, but I'm guessing it's actually pretty close to the true plotline.  Anyhoo, I'm including a photo I took of the dining room ladies chilling out and watching some soaps (I know, the photo is so old.  It was on Facebook like, 3 weeks ago).  It's their fave.

OR, if you're really lucky, sometimes during lunch hour the TV is turned to the Maury channel.  Meaning you can sit there at an Ivy Leave university dining hall and watch four people claim that one guy is the father of their twelve children.  It's practically like an anthropology course in and of itself.  A case study in complex human relationships and really bad fashion choices.

This photo is not the same episode that I saw.  In case you're wondering about the one I did see: a DNA test will later prove the guy is indeed the father of all twelve children.  Riveting.

In the evenings, it's a free for all.  Mixed bag.  You never know what you're gonna get.  Yesterday it was the BET awards.

So that's my exciting collegiate TV situation.  I don't really know what I was expecting.  Maybe the news on TV 24/7?  Or the History Channel?  I don't know.  In any case, I got Maury.  And you know what?  After working nonstop all day, reading the Popol Vuh or doing EKG labs or learning the locative case in Ukrainian grammar, Maury's kinda alright with me.


* (featuring my main man, RJ Sizzle)

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